Member Since
Oct 2, 2018
Last Visit: 1 day ago
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David is in the Partner Finder
Best Times to Meet: weekends
Best Times to Meet: weekends
Likes Trad, Sport, Tr, Gym, Boulders
Leads | Follows | |
Trad | 5.9 | 5.10c |
Sport | 5.10c | 5.11a |
Boulders | V-easy |
Other Interests
Cycling, Mountain Biking, Trail Running, Guitar
More Info
Always open to meeting new partners of any age or gender for sport or trad. Primarily interested in weekend trips to Tahquitz, Josh, etc. but happy to sport climb locally at Malibu, Echo, or elsewhere. Also a member at Boulderdash and presently trying to climb Tuesday & Thursday in Northridge if anybody wants to connect there. Been climbing off and on for the last 30 years.