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Name History

Feb 20, 2023: "Spider Love" was renamed "Missing Hanger".
Mar 13, 2023: "Missing Hanger" was renamed "Spider Love".

Suggested Page Improvements to Spider Love

Laura Tociu
Jan 31, 2023
This climb should be called Missing Hanger. All the comments talk about this but haven't tried to actually change the name of the route.

Rob Smith
Feb 27, 2023
Description Suggestion

This route is actually called "Spider Love."  Some of the description for the route "Missing Hanger" is confusing.  This is the second route left of the cave with the new glue-ins.  The description of "Missing Hanger" in Mountain Project currently seems to describe the 5.11d called "Descondido" which is perhaps 20 yards left of Spider Love.

Rob Smith
Feb 27, 2023
Route Name: Spider Love

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