Name History
Nov 19, 2022:
"Corsica" was renamed "08 Corsica".
Dec 17, 2023:
"08 Corsica" was renamed "09 Corsica".
Suggested Page Improvements to 09 Corsica
I'm Bertrand on e of the two authors of the guidebooks Falaises de Corse and Bavella corsica.
How is it possible to update information about the books (there is a new edition of the Falaise de Corse and I would like to mention a third guidebook: Grandes voies de Corse. It's a selection of multi -pitch routes in Corsica (outside Bavella massif)
Thanks for your help
I'm Bertrand on e of the two authors of the guidebooks Falaises de Corse and Bavella corsica.
How is it possible to update information about the books (there is a new edition of the Falaise de Corse and I would like to mention a third guidebook: Grandes voies de Corse. It's a selection of multi -pitch routes in Corsica (outside Bavella massif)
Thanks for your help