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Suggested Page Improvements to Window Dome

Will Myers
Nov 28, 2020
Getting There Suggestion

About a mile north of Tombstone, turn onto Middlemarch road and head east. After 10.0 miles, turn off left for FR 687 and head north to link up with E Stronghold Canyon Rd. Drive to the end of the road on the west side. Hike up the trail towards Whale Dome (head up drainage heading NW from the parking lot). This area is the first major formation on the left side of the drainage. Takes about 15-30 minutes depending on how good you are at staying the trails that zig zag in and out of the wash. There is a subtle trail to the base of the wall, but don't worry if you can't find it, it's not far from the wash.

Aaron Davis
Jan 27, 2021
New Left-to-Right Route Sort

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