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Sunset Slab

5.8, Trad, 115 ft (35 m),  Avg: 3 from 2 votes
FA: Ben Wyse, Wade Banks 11/30/'24
Virginia > Shenandoah & NW… > Elizabeth Furnace > Buzzard Rocks


This route starts to the right of a giant tree and brush-filled right-facing corner that runs the entire height of the crag.  Two possible starts;  1. Start in a short right-facing corner with a wide crack that ends at a roof 25' up.  OR  2. Start by climbing past 3 bolts on the slab to the right of the corner.  Pull through the middle of the roof.  Once you pull the roof, the routes join at what is either the 1st or the 4th bolt.  Near the top of the route, you will merge with the giant right-facing corner.  Look for a high bolt that you can reach up and clip.  After clipping the bolt, I think it is more fun to work a few more moves further up the corner before pulling through.  Head up the the anchor at the top of the headwall.  



To the right of Goodnight Moon.  Find bolts on a slab that to the right of a corner that leads up to a roof.  Either climb the corner (some big cams would be useful) or climb past 3 bolts leading to the roof.   


If you start in the corner, bring big cams.  If you start up the bolted slab, there are 9 bolts and a few supplemental gear placements.  Bring a set of nuts and small-medium cams.  A green alien or equivalent protects the roof move between the 3rd and 4th bolts.  There are two or three other places where intermediate gear placements will be nice.  There is a top anchor that can be reached from above if you want to TR the route.      

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Ben Wyse finishing up a day of TRS and cleaning on the ever so appropriate "sunset slab". Yes his hood is full of roasted veggies.
[Hide Photo] Ben Wyse finishing up a day of TRS and cleaning on the ever so appropriate "sunset slab". Yes his hood is full of roasted veggies.