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5.11+, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 5 votes
Colorado > Dumont vicinity > Abattoir


Tangelo is a short bouldery route on the orange lichen covered wall to the right of A Gift Shop Life.

Climb through the first, (steep) boulder problem to a no hand rest above. Now climb the vertical face with slopey crimps, aiming for a cool triangular jug up high. This is a boulderer's route.

The starting jug sounds hollow, but I yarded on it with a crowbar, and it wouldn't move.


It is the short route with a steep start at the right end of the cliff.


4 bolts to anchors with steel loweroff biners.

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The top boulder problem.
[Hide Photo] The top boulder problem.
The low crux.
[Hide Photo] The low crux.