Type: Sport, 85 ft (26 m)
FA: NM ground up rope solo
Page Views: 23 total · 3/month
Shared By: Nat Mann on Jul 15, 2024
Admins: Tom Caldwell, Steve Lineberry

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Start at a natural opening in the shrubbery beneath a steeper section of rock heading to a ledge.  Fun start.  There is a slightly challenging slab move past the first bolt, then mostly cruiser slab to anchors up and left following a rail-like feature.  Probably about 5.8 if heading directly up the bolt line, though can be notably easier if moving left/right around the first and second bolts.

The name comes from a beagle who never climbs anything and mostly lies around in the dirt and complains, but was the only ground support for the first ascent.

Location Suggest change

Far right side of Mini South Face, just uphill past Younghoe's Solo.  Hike up through a slightly blocky region to an apron below this section of the wall.

Protection Suggest change

5 bolts, bolted anchors.
