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It's a Magical World

5.10d, Trad, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 3 from 2 votes
FA: Ben Hubbard 2024
Washington > Central-W Casca… > Skykomish Valley > Index > Lookout Point Area > Zappa Wall


A short crack crux followed by a fun bolted slab.

Start just right of the 5.8 hand crack of The Days Are Just Packed and climb onto a ledge past a bolt and through a few gear protected crack moves. Once through the crack, follow a line of bolts going up and right to a slab then finish up the slab to an anchor on the far right of the wall, shared with Baby Snakes.


Start below a bolt just right of a hand crack (The Days are Just Packed).


Quickdraws, single rack to 0.5 camalot

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It's a Magical World
[Hide Photo] It's a Magical World
The short crack crux
[Hide Photo] The short crack crux
It's a Magical World
[Hide Photo] It's a Magical World
Through the slab traverse
[Hide Photo] Through the slab traverse