Type: Trad, 120 ft (36 m), 2 pitches
FA: Shawn
Page Views: 59 total · 19/month
Shared By: Shawn S on Jun 3, 2024
Admins: Jon Nelson, Micah Klesick, Zachary Winters, Mitchell McAuslan

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2 Cracks on the right side of the boundless slab, 70m rope required for lowering off the top

P1 5.6, Climb easy face to meet the fissure crack at a ledge, place a lil piece or 2 for the crux then gain chunky corner where the crack widens up. Take this corner chunk to the top. Lower offs anchor at the lip for TR or lowering. If doing the second pitch pull above the lowers to rings atop on the ledge. Can use the glue in on scrub club to the left to protect the start if you wish.

P2 5.8, Climb the obvious left angling crack that splits the slab and the upper head wall. There is a thin finger crack layback move crux mid way. Cedar stumps are fun for slinging up top while they are still there!

Location Suggest change

The right side of the boundless slab. 

Protection Suggest change

Single rack, some extends for P2 is useful, lower using a 70m


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