Mountain Project Logo


5.10, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 1.5 from 2 votes
FA: mckel
Pennsylvania > S Central PA > Safe Harbor > Safe Harbor North > 3.4 S L. Area


Start just right of Scary Larry. Move up to a tree growing on the cliff bottom. Move up to first bolt in sides pull and bad feet. Next finger traverse using a thin discontinuous rail with thin feet to a second bolt. From here continue traversing aiming for a small triangular horn just out of reach to the right. From here mantle onto the horn, clip bolt 3. Move right on large feet to bolt. From here move up to bolt 5. climb straight up to anchors with clipping hold just left of the 2 bolt anchor.


Start at tree just left of Scary Larry


5 bolts and 2 bolt anchor