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Graser Bergland Express

5.8, Sport, 700 ft (212 m), 8 pitches,  Avg: 3 from 2 votes
FA: A. Hohensinner-Oberer & R. Hohensinner (2021)
International > Europe > Austria > Steiermark > Grazer Bergland > Röthelstein


The route starts with a few meters of stemming before leading onto a wide, slabby arete. The next pitch traverses up and left on easy, but consistent rock. Pitch 3 and 4 are a mix of easy blocky and grassy sections. Pitch 5 gets steeper and ascends the right edge of an alcove. Pitch 6 continues on the ridge leading to the top of the alcove and a rapell anchor. Rapell down into the alcove and move around 20 m to the left (toy train tracks lead the way). Finish the route with two pitches of crack climbing and stemming.

Link to topo.


Park at "Rote Wand" parking lot and follow the logging road that continues to the west from the back of the lot. Follow this road until you see an intersection leading up to a wooden barn. Continue up th road to the right of the barn into the forest (red-white-red marking on tree). You will pass a sign that says "Mixnitz" follow this sign down to another logging road. Continue on this road until the end (you see a cairn on the right side marking the trail to other routes on this wall).
~200 m before the end of the logging road (~200 m past the cairn) head up the climbers trail until you hit the wall continue right for a few meters. A wooden toy train track marks the start of the route.


Bolts and bolted belays.


There are two ways to descend. Either continue left leading into "Gamswiese" and from here down on a faint climbers path (descent from "Ratengrat"). Follow markings back to "Rote Wand" parking lot. 

Alternatively you can climb the route "Hotzenplotz". To reach this climb continue ~100 m up the steep meadow and slightely left.