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Now Serenity Absolute

5.9, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 22 votes
FA: Leland Windham, Amélie, Vadim Kuklov, Greg Lewis
Washington > Central-W Casca… > N Bend & Vicinity > Exit 34; Middle… > Quartz Camp > (b) E Quartz Camp


Excellent friction slab climbing using careful footwork and medium underclings. Sustained. Finishes at the mid-anchor for If I Was a Granite Sidewalk. 


Route starts on the steeper friction slab ~8ft to the left of Insane in the Quartz Vein. 


9 bolts

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Leland starting up Now Serenity Absolute
[Hide Photo] Leland starting up Now Serenity Absolute