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Ancient Arts

V7, Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 2 votes
FA: Kai Webler
Vermont > 1. Northern Ver… > Smugglers' Notch > Smugglers' Notc… > Boulders Behind… > Green Cave
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures for access issues: please review DetailsDrop down


An awesome compression prow hidden in the cave in plain site. It seeps for a day or two after rain, but the movement is excellent!

Start standing under the prow with a horizontal incut for the right hand and a friendly sloper for the left. 

Squeeze your way up the prow to a slightly tricky top out.


Walk into the cave, over the infamously slippery rock underneath "Greening All Day". This prow is located to the left on the otherside of the cave. Just left of "Green Rhino".


3-6 pads. Landing is slightly awkward and provides a great way to sprain an ankle.