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Monkey Say Hi

5.9, Sport, 42 ft (13 m),  Avg: 3.5 from 2 votes
FA: Book
International > Asia > Thailand > Northeast - Aro… > Si Chompu (Spor… > Window


First line on the right side of the wall,  Start on the arete with fgood crimps to the overhung,  climb a small overhung with good holds to the anchors.


First line on the right that you see at the window wall


7 bolts and anchors

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the Window cleaner line
[Hide Photo] the Window cleaner line
the Monkey say hi line 5c ( 5.9 )
[Hide Photo] the Monkey say hi line 5c ( 5.9 )
Tahe Window cleaner line
[Hide Photo] Tahe Window cleaner line
[Hide Photo] MONKEY SAY HI