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Window Fantasy

5.10d, Sport, 95 ft (29 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: Gavriel Jecan
International > Asia > Thailand > Northeast - Aro… > Si Chompu (Spor… > Window


To the right side of the window wall, start in to a chimney climb straight up to a nice clean face, climb straight up to the overhung and then pick up the crack up right, towards the end of the crack in the overhung you climb straight up to the left side of the tree above the overhung then you climb straight up on a wash for another 10m to the anchors.


When you enter the Window wall  , look to the low right and you'll see the chimney and the bolts on it, that's the beginning of the line.


16 bolts plus anchors

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The upper area of Window fantasy line
[Hide Photo] The upper area of Window fantasy line
The lower sec ion of the Window Fantasy line 6b+ ( 5.10d )
[Hide Photo] The lower sec ion of the Window Fantasy line 6b+ ( 5.10d )
The window fantasy line
[Hide Photo] The window fantasy line
Book top rope the Window Fantasy line
[Hide Photo] Book top rope the Window Fantasy line
Window Fantasy line at Window wall
[Hide Photo] Window Fantasy line at Window wall
Hathaichanok Sa top tope the Window Fantasy line
[Hide Photo] Hathaichanok Sa top tope the Window Fantasy line
Hathaichanak Sa top rope the Window Fantasy Line
[Hide Photo] Hathaichanak Sa top rope the Window Fantasy Line