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You Booze, You Cruise

5.10c/d, Sport, TR, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 6 votes
FA: Mike Carville, Mike Manis, Josh Horniak, Spring 2013
California > Lake Tahoe > I-80 Corridor > Bowman/Emeralds > Emeralds > Oasis
Warning Access Issue: No overnight camping on PG&E property DetailsDrop down


Thin at base, Once you get past second bolt becomes very friendly. 3rd bolt provides protection for getting above 2 ledges. You could walk up top and set a TR on the 2nd ledge.


Farthest right boltline


3 quick draws, then 2 for LO

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Stick clip bolt one
[Hide Photo] Stick clip bolt one

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Jared Anwyl
El Dorado Hills
[Hide Comment] Hard not to reach left or right where there are bigger holds. Jun 26, 2023