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You Booze, You Cruise
Sport, TR, 40 ft (12 m),
Avg: 2.3 from 6
FA: Mike Carville, Mike Manis, Josh Horniak, Spring 2013
> Lake Tahoe
> I-80 Corridor
> Bowman/Emeralds
> Emeralds
> Oasis
Access Issue: No overnight camping on PG&E property
Noticed several tents while walking into the emeralds climbing area this last weekend ( 5/20/17 ). PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric) has posted several signs at the gate and other areas that state camping is NOT allowed. Please respect this so that access does not become an issue! Thanks in advance,
Colby W.
Thin at base, Once you get past second bolt becomes very friendly. 3rd bolt provides protection for getting above 2 ledges. You could walk up top and set a TR on the 2nd ledge.
3 quick draws, then 2 for LO
El Dorado Hills