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V5, Boulder, 10 ft (3 m),  Avg: 3.7 from 3 votes
FA: Pablo Zuleta
Washington > Northwest Region > Bellingham & Mt… > Bellingham Area > Larrabee > Lost Ledge > Main Area > Uvula Boulder
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Start matched on vertical pinch hold. Move up and left, using good sidepulls and the amoeba hold. Make big moves to the high rails and top-out. The top-out looks super sketch from the ground, but it is one of the chillest top-outs you'll find. Definitely make sure the top-out slab is free of excess debris to ensure you don't slip on the smooth face. 

This climb is definitely a top-tier moderate!


The right of Strainer. As the name infers, this problem is located at the amoeba-looking feature on the North face of Uvula Boulder. 


2+ pads

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[Hide Photo] Amoeba
Myself on Amoeba
[Hide Photo] Myself on Amoeba
Hitting the big move on Amoeba!
[Hide Photo] Hitting the big move on Amoeba!

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Jefferson Ashby
Bellingham, WA
[Hide Comment] This climbs like a board problem, classic! Probably a bit easier for taller folks.… May 20, 2023
Klassic Adventures
Seattle, WA
[Hide Comment] Love the wide shallow pinch on this problem!… May 22, 2023