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Resurrection Stone

5.9-, Sport, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 3.1 from 72 votes
FA: Lee Hansche
New Hampshire > Rumney > Main Cliff Right


An adventurous route which gets you to a spectacular location. Essentially a tour of different climbing styles up a nearly 100 foot section of wall. It has schist and quartzite, some face climbing, inside and outside corners, a nice but way too short crack, a brief slab section and a steep finish. Really, it has a little of everything.

Start up the easy ledgy intro. Navigate the kinda thin, schist face section into a corner and up to a comfortable ledge around bolt 5 or so. Decide how you will tackle the striking arete feature. Once you have done this, gain another ledge and Boulder up to a crack, scamper an easy slab and finally play find-that-hold through the last headwall to the comfortable ledge and the anchor.

Ps. From this anchor it is convenient to access both Losing Eleven and High Roll (on which a bolt has been added to allow for a direct start to be climbed from the top of Resurrection Stone).


On the right side of main cliff there is a gully/corner which marks the start of White Toad. This route is just to the left of that gully/corner


13 bolts to pigtail anchor

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Someone mentioned the route location wasn't clear due to referencing nearby routes they didn't know. Hopefully this helps.
[Hide Photo] Someone mentioned the route location wasn't clear due to referencing nearby routes they didn't know. Hopefully this helps.
This is the line.
[Hide Photo] This is the line.
The route looking down on a fantastic ledge and right before the last steepness to the anchors.
[Hide Photo] The route looking down on a fantastic ledge and right before the last steepness to the anchors.
Mike Gagnon following the FA
[Hide Photo] Mike Gagnon following the FA

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Lee Cullivan
[Hide Comment] I think I just got the third ascent on it! A very sweet climb that could become the classic of Main Cliff Right. Climbs very similar to Magic Daze and Charity Case and feels somewhere between the two in difficulty. Love the long and varied climbing and the top reminds me of California Chrome up on the NW Territories where it suddenly gets a bit vertical but the holds are good. Below the first bolt is still dirty so get on it!! May 15, 2023
[Hide Comment] So I find it to be super relaxing and fun. Climbs a bit like a trad route. I think the big difference between this climb and other classic Rumney 9s (like Lies and Propaganda) is that you have an amazing stance before every cruxy move so you can take your time sussing it out. I did literally only one 5.9 move so I would grade it to that. I would say this is the best intro to 5.9 at Rumney WITH an attentive belayer as there are potential ankle twisting falls at every hard-ish move. May 19, 2023
june m
elmore, vt
[Hide Comment] Bad rope drag, even after back cleaning one draw. Hopefully the bottom gets cleaner. May 22, 2023
Lee Hansche
Allenstown, NH... and a van…
[Hide Comment] June, when I climbed the route the first time I yelled down to my belayer. “Sweet! Almost no rope drag! You could definitely continue directly into High Roller.” I’m not sure how we had such different experiences.
The start will totally clean up. I haven’t even scrubbed the 5.0 true beginning. I think it’s going to be well loved. May 22, 2023
Reading, VT
[Hide Comment] Great route with all that variety already described. Note to on sighting climbers: you cannot see the anchors until you pull the final moves, so as long as you have 13-14 draws and gear for the anchor if TRing, you will be good! Aug 25, 2023
Jonathan Alumbaugh
Providence, RI
[Hide Comment] Incredible climb, every section is just gorgeous. The variety others have mentioned is delightful, and the view at the top is lovely. It's got a great pace to it too. I want to just do this route over and over again, will absolutely remain on my list of things I want to climb anytime I visit. Oct 4, 2023
Becky L
[Hide Comment] REALLY wonderful route, has something for everyone: stemming, slab, arete, overhang, crimps, jugs, crack, very pretty, amazing views. Very well bolted, everything is very well protected. This would be a great first 5.9 to lead at Rumney as there are a lot of spots where you can stop and no hands rest and cruxes are well protected.

Note if you go up this with your set of 12 sport draws you will be SAD because you will be out of draws at the crux right before the anchor and will be suffering from terrible rope drag. USE ALPINE DRAWS. Sep 29, 2024