Ever wanted to stand on top of the magnificent South Rock, but didn't want to deal with the looming death potential of climbing Toe Hold? This line is for you.
Pitch 1 (5.9+)
This pitch is actually on Central Rock. On the north face, you'll find a large ledge under a large dihedral. Ascend the dihedral to a "tower exit," where you'll bridge your way over to the main rock. Find the holds and its chill, miss them and you'll want a close belay! After a devious slab (again easy if you find the moves, and frustrating if you miss them), you'll come across a sort of ledge and a bolt. To continue onto the multi-pitch, clip this with a sling and walk rightward into the notch and belay. If you are only doing the one pitch, go up and left to lower-off anchors.
Pitch 2 (5.9)
From the notch, continue up a slab that eventually joins the very exposed, but easy arete. Views from here are probably the best in all of Footsteps. There are anchors directly below the summit. Belay from here. If you'd like to continue onto the summit, there are highline anchors above, just make sure you know how to get back down to the rappel anchors safely.
Pitch 3 (5.1)
After rappelling from the summit, reverse the traverse on the first pitch, and continue a bit farther up and left to a rappel anchor. (1 bolt). There are no rappel anchors in the notch because rappelling from there would be very unsafe.
One could climb the upper pitch of Toe The Line the same way Toe Hold was climbed; soloing up Loaner (5.6 X), carefully rappelling northwest from the old summit anchors, leaving a fixed line, then climbing up from the notch, then climbing back up the fixed line, and rapping southward off the old Central Rock anchors. I've done Toe Hold this way several times, and I believe climbing pitch 1 is safest.
Starts on the north face of Central Rock, then climbs South Rock to the summit.
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McGregor, TX
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