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Reverse Nomad Roof

V11-, Boulder, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 3 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > Golden > Clear Creek Canyon > Clear Creek Can… > Nomad's Cave Bouldering
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


Start by climbing Papa Johnny into the end jug of Nomad Roof, then downclimb into the flake using a series of kneebars. Then climb Nomad Roof backwards to finish at the starting jugs at the base of the seam in the cave.

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Climbing the end of Reverse Nomad Roof.
[Hide Photo] Climbing the end of Reverse Nomad Roof.

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[Hide Comment] I climbed this link-up in the winter of 2021/22, naming it Papa Mommy with a grade of V9. Who knows if I was really the first person to do the sequence? Another link-up climbed first (I think) by Tanner Bauer climbs Papa Johnny into the Nomad Cave Left - named Big Poppa (V10). With links like these, the FA and grade is such a joke to the point where it doesn’t make a difference, but I figured I’d at least get the info right for the database. Jun 14, 2023