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The Blobs

WI2-3, TR, Ice, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 1 from 3 votes
FA: Unkown
New Hampshire > NH Ice & Mixed > Frankenstein Ice > 3. Amphitheater Area
Warning Access Issue: Avoid walking on the train tracks whenever possible. DetailsDrop down


Most people don't even bat an eye at these things on their way up to Cave Route, Chia, Hard Rane, etc. Despite being small, they are in the guidebook and offer a rare opportunity to set up a top rope without leading a route, while also staying out of people's way. It's good if you wanna get into ice climbing but don't have a lead partner, or you're looking for a short first lead. The Blobs are a couple short, WI2-3 flows, down and right of Chia, but left of the Cave Route. You can access the top near the descent trail for the bigger routes. 


Down and right from Chia.


Top rope.

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Quick lap on The Blobs
[Hide Photo] Quick lap on The Blobs