Type: | Sport, 70 ft (21 m) |
FA: | Jordan Katz, Jan '23 |
Page Views: | 184 total · 9/month |
Shared By: | Jordan Katz on Jan 29, 2023 |
Admins: | Courtney Curtner |
On the bouldering (west) side, please do not hang out up top or go exploring above the main cliff line. It is private property and we need to keep a low profile. The owner has been hands off so far. Let's try to ensure things stay that way please. Hanging out up top could cause problems with the property owner.
Please do not climb above the roped climbs. Hanging out on the edge of the cliff without ropes is dangerous and the last thing we want is to have an ambulance/injury/fatality there. Please don't endanger crag access through short-sighted behavior!
Please be upstanders and take good care of the crag to help preserve access. Don't leave your trash, and even pack out any trash somebody else might have left behind.
Starts on a vertical face, then climbs through a series of large overhangs to a vertical headwall and more of a slabby finish. Getting through the roofs will take some muscle to be sure, but keep some finesse on hand for the top. A series of distinct bouldery cruxes broken up by excellent rests. There are some good options for different beta in a few places too depending on your strengths and preferred style.
Highly recommend back cleaning the chain permadraw once you have clipped the one above it to save rope drag (and minimize chewing up your rope as the rock is super abrasive at the lip of the last roof).
Usually stays dry pretty much year-round.
Far right side of the Cave. Starts on the vertical face about 10 left of the finger crack that starts "Ninja Skills"
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