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V1-2, Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 2 from 2 votes
FA: unknown
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rock Boulders > (01) Calico Bas… > Gateway Canyon… > Outback Boulder
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


This perfectly blunted arete problem if one of many climbs to check out. Start low on two textured divots, traverse up and right until you reach a larger move to a flat hold directly above you. Mantel over the lip and continue to the top.


Just uphill and to the right of Dead Heart.


Crash pads and sliders

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One move before reaching one of the better holds on the arete.
[Hide Photo] One move before reaching one of the better holds on the arete.

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Chasen Sugimoto
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Fun line~! Easy protection. Lots of tall stuff to check out on this boulder. Dec 30, 2022