Type: | Trad, 95 ft (29 m) |
FA: | Ken Nichols, Bruce Dicks, Jan 1980 |
Page Views: | 294 total · 11/month |
Shared By: | traprock pipedreamz on Nov 16, 2022 |
Admins: | Morgan Patterson |
recreational activity on town land only for those individuals who maintain active membership
with the Ragged Mountain Foundation.
As of late 2019, active members of the RMF can obtain permits sanctioned by Meriden’s
Department of Parks and Recreation that allow for the responsible use of the town’s many cliff
sides, trails, and boulders in pursuit of rock climbing.
Permits can be obtained (by active dues paying RMF members only) from the Meriden Parks
and Recreation building located at 460 Liberty Street between the hours of 7:30 am and 3:30 pm
for a $5 fee. The Parks Department maintains a list of all active RMF members. You can
purchase or renew your RMF membership here. You can also become a member via the “Joint-
Membership Program” with the Access Fund. Please be aware that it may take up to 30 days
between the time of purchasing a membership with the Ragged Mountain Foundation and
appearing on the city’s list of individual climbers authorized to receive permits. Also,
please be aware that permits are issued on an individual basis, and are not interchangeable
between multiple members in a single party.
The permits from the City are good for one calendar year from the date of payment, so you will
need to renew again the following year. Please keep a copy of your RMF membership and a copy
of your permit from the City (electronic image okay) on hand. As part of the agreement, park
rangers and City officials have been informed to ask for identification if they observe
climbers/climbing. Climbers without proper credentials are subject to fines.
This is a massive step forward in the relationship between climbers and the City of Meriden. For
more information on the agreement, please look at the RMF Blog.
As always, be safe and be respectful.
This historic route on the Merimere Face sees little traffic but offers incredible airy, exposed face climbing.
Mission Impossible starts on Thor’s Hammer, following the inside corner to the sloped platform and continuing along the primary crack system until it is possible to break out right and hand traverse on decent holds just below the first roof of Thor’s. Step up and around the arete onto a narrow ramp that traverses the face to the right and gradually steepens into a left-facing corner. From the top of the corner follow a weakness slightly climber’s right and back left again for to a welcome chance for gear before topping out on the Thor’s Hammer ledge above.
This is an adventurous line—gear placements can be tricky and spaced. Be mindful of loose rock and rope drag.