Lichen Linguistics is a four pitch route that follows the arete on a feature to the right of the East Ironingboard. The basic idea is to climb to the right of the arete and find a path that suits your climbing lingo. If your feet speak runout face, climb closer the arete, of if you speak crack, climb further right. Note the route has some lichen and loose rock, but it's not awful.
P1. The start of the climb is just behind Crackin' Up, and the opening moves are over a block. Once on the arete, go under the small roof until you find a nice corner to go over the roof. Now follow the easy fact to a nice big tree, and belay.
P2. From the tree, follow a line up fun easy cracks. Then decide if you want to pull over the face where the crack ends or head right to easier ground. This pitch ends at the field of green where many plants have gathered. We set a belay in the corner. Note: an alternate route can be done on the arete, but it lacks a belay point. It's nice for scrambling.
P3. Continue up the face/cracks to the right of the arete and left of the corner. When you get about halfway, decide if you want to attach the bush to the right or continue up the face. Note: the corner to the right is not recommended due to loose rock. We belayed at the very top using a tree.
P4. This is not really climbing as it is traversing over ridges. Follow the ridges until you get to the summit of Green Thumb.
Descent: rappel from Green Thumb using the anchors down to the west.
The start is just behind Crackin'up on the East Ironingboard.
A basic Flatiron rack. We had up to a BD #2 cam.