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Good Enough for Government Work

5.10d, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 1.6 from 5 votes
FA: Wyatt Holmes
Idaho > Central Idaho > Fins > Discovery Wall > Martini Sector


A varied adventure in body positioning that will warm up your biceps, fingers, and calves all in one go. Pockets and sidepulls in the intermittent crack lead to relaxed but thoughtful chert pulling up high. 


Follow the weakness to the left of Chapstick. First (left most) route on the "main" Discovery wall, after passing the separated Hazmat/Decon panel. 


10 bolts to chain anchors.

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[Hide Comment] This climb on definitely in my top 10 worst routes. It is like climbing on stucco.

The hangers should be removed, melted down, and cast into a monument to warn all future climbers. Jun 21, 2023