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Life on a Wedge

5.11, Trad, 55 ft (17 m),  Avg: 3.6 from 5 votes
FA: Eric Sutton, Luke Kretschamr, Travis Rypkema; 1995 Ground up
S Dakota > Needles Of Rush… > Mt Rushmore Nat… > Magna Carta > Marker > Inner Marker
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An aesthetic crack that starts up a short ramp to mantle in front of the tips crack. Pull the thin, stemming-like moves into a off-with like crack on the right. Then, fire into the last feet of thin moves to find yourself in the progressively widening crack to the bolted anchors.


Locate the crack that goes from tips to bigger than fists on the northernmost side of the Inner Marker wall (climbers right). 10ft climber's left of the pillar/arete.


Black Diamond Green Z4 #0 - #4, optional nuts

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Helene on the TR of Life on a Wedge
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