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Rug Dr.
Boulder, 9 ft (3 m),
Avg: 2.9 from 7
FA: (?)
> Wasatch Range
> Central Wasatch
> Little Cottonwo…
> Boulders - Litt…
> Secret Garden
> Goldy Boulder
Access Issue: UDOT will ticket cars parked on the south side of the canyon opposite the Secret Garden bouldering area.
During the SCLA/Access Fund Adopt-a-Crag Event (Fall 2007), climbers built a new trail from the Little Cottonwood Park-and-Ride. The trail provides easy access to lower canyon bouldering and climbing at the Bongeater and Crescent Crack Buttresses. To avoid traffic problems on the highway and tickets from the Utah Department of Transportation, please use the Park-and-Ride parking to access lower canyon bouldering and climbing. UDOT will ticket cars parked on the south side of the canyon opposite the Secret Garden bouldering area.
Access Issue: Gate Buttress Area Recreational Lease: Climbs on Church Buttress above vault remain closed
Climbers Partner with LDS Church on Stewardship of Little Cottonwood Canyon Climbing
June 1st, 2017:The Salt Lake Climbers Alliance (SLCA), the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), and Access Fund announce the signing of an unprecedented lease for 140 acres in Little Cottonwood Canyon (LCC). The parcel, known as the Gate Buttress, is about one mile up LCC canyon and has been popular with generations of climbers because of its world-class granite.
The agreement secures legitimate access to approximately 588 routes and 138 boulder problems at the Gate Buttress for rock climbers, who will be active stewards of the property. The recreational lease is the result of several years of negotiations between LDS Church leaders and the local climbing community.
Access Note: The climbs on the Church Buttress above the vault as well as the Glen boulders that have been traditionally closed will remain closed.
Please help us steward this area and leave no trace.
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This is a direct line that starts the same as flying carpet. Start on the good jug as for flying carpet, move up to a good right hand sloper and reach left hand to a good sidepull on the arete (see beta photo). Standup/dyno to the lip and top out straight up. What wonderful movement.
a pad or two
Houston, TX
Salt Lake City, UT