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Rug Dr.

V5-6, Boulder, 9 ft (3 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 7 votes
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Utah > Wasatch Range > Central Wasatch > Little Cottonwo… > Boulders - Litt… > Secret Garden > Goldy Boulder
Warning Access Issue: UDOT will ticket cars parked on the south side of the canyon opposite the Secret Garden bouldering area. DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Gate Buttress Area Recreational Lease: Climbs on Church Buttress above vault remain closed DetailsDrop down


This is a direct line that starts the same as flying carpet. Start on the good jug as for flying carpet, move up to a good right hand sloper and reach left hand to a good sidepull on the arete (see beta photo). Standup/dyno to the lip and top out straight up. What wonderful movement. 


On the Goldy boulder. 


a pad or two

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The setup position for the move to the lip.
[Hide Photo] The setup position for the move to the lip.

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Jackson Elliott
Houston, TX
[Hide Comment] Messed around on this today; If you follow the specific beta in the description without matching the sloper and going directly up it feels pretty on grade. Oct 18, 2023
Creed Archibald
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] I matched the sloper before going to the side-pull, and it's still a full grade harder than the standard Flying Carpet. This is a cool variation; let's not make it into an eliminate. Eliminates suck. Nov 3, 2023