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Paint It Black

5.10c/d, Sport, 700 ft (212 m), 7 pitches, Grade III,  Avg: 3.9 from 12 votes
FA: ED, AF, Sept. 2020
Colorado > Durango > Pine River Trad > Rolling Stones Wall


Paint It Black is an all bolt-protected "sport route" that follows a series of faces and features up the right side of the wall. The terrain is varied with some steep faces to start, then some moderate middle pitches, finishing with a couple more steep pitches to the top of the wall. The route is east-facing and gets morning sun and afternoon shade. The views and position are outstanding. The rock is overall good, but like the rest of the area, it has some looseness and surprises. Helmets are recommended. All SS hardware was used and has been camouflaged, making some of the bolts difficult to spot, but they are there. All anchors have been equipped for rapping.

P1. Look for the line of black bolts that are a little right of the center of the wall. Climb up the steep, black streak to a semi-hanging stance, 5.10(c/d), 90', 8 bolts.

P2. This is slightly easier than the first pitch, go up more steep face to a nice ledge, 5.10b, 100', 8 bolts.

P3. Do a steep move to start, then it is moderate to a nice ledge belay, 5.8, 80', 7 bolts.

P4. Go up easy climbing up a lower angle portion of the wall, 5.7, 100', 7 bolts.

P5. Continue up with some fun climbing with a steep and juggy finish at a nice perch, 5.9, 105', 10 bolts.

P6. Ascend good climbing with several cruxes mixed with rests to a good ledge, 5.10b, 100', 10 bolts.

P7. End with more good climbing with a steep finish to the top of the wall, 5.10a, 100', 10 bolts.

  • Descent: rappel from bolted anchors with a 70m rope, and watch your rope ends on a couple of the raps.
  • Bring 10 draws (some long are nice to minimize any drag) and a 70m rope.


The hike in from the Pine River Trail via the Tradistan Tower approach is tedious and probably takes at least 2 hours. The preferred approach is to hike to the top of the wall, rappel in and climb out. 

Follow Middle Mountain Road to Runlett Park (~11 miles), and park at an obvious parking area on the left (37.486622, -107.506554). At the U-turn in the road (37.485274, -107.506983), follow the ATV track south until a large open meadow. Just over a cattleguard, follow the fence line to the left. Continue down the fence line until a faint trail heading to the right. Follow this faint trail (may be some flagging) through the woods and eventually the top of the wall (37.463135, -107.495362). There is a cairn at the top of the route near a bolted anchor. A couple of the raps are all of a 70m rope, so knot your ends.


10 draws and a 70m rope.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Yet another great belay ledge.
[Hide Photo] Yet another great belay ledge.
The route from the base.
[Hide Photo] The route from the base.
The route from the approach, the first 3 pitches are shown in this photo.
[Hide Photo] The route from the approach, the first 3 pitches are shown in this photo.
The route (roughly) from the valley floor.
[Hide Photo] The route (roughly) from the valley floor.
Stephen on the P4 ledges.
[Hide Photo] Stephen on the P4 ledges.
Somewhere on P5.
[Hide Photo] Somewhere on P5.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Leland Stamper
Lander, WY
[Hide Comment] Nice work, Eric! This must've been a huge undertaking! Mar 22, 2022
Allie Jackson
[Hide Comment] Super fun route, Eric! Thank you for all the work you put in.

We thought P1 was a good bit harder than the rest, but every pitch was a blast. Every belay is on a great ledge, and the views are wonderful.

For those using the topo picture to find the start of the climb, we found that the start of the route is farther right than shown on the topo. The start is actually in the shadow in the picture, about 50 feet before you reach the little side slot canyon on the ledge.

Once I get the last bit of lichen out of my eyes, I'll remember it even more fondly... but really, one of the best climbs of its kind anywhere in the region. Kind of reminded me of PEMA in Ouray but more harder, longer, and more adventurous. Great climb! May 9, 2022
Will H
[Hide Comment] Climbed 8/18. There was some significant recent rockfall that hit at the top of the second pitch that took out a lot of the vegetation on the ledge. This has resulted in the first 2 pitches being pretty dirty, from dirt coming off the ledge. One of the bolts at the top of the 2nd pitch got grazed, but it looks okay. Still a fun outing, just be prepared for some grimey holds at the start. Aug 19, 2022
Braden Sanders
Durango, CO
[Hide Comment] Here's some beta spray for anyone who's looking for it. Part of my goal here is to make this route feel more accessible, as more people should really be climbing this thing.

Gear: 10 draws, 0 alpines, a 70m rope (60m will NOT reach).

Approach: power through the Tradistan Tower slog, and prepare for a lot more slogging. Once we passed No Country for Old Men, there wasn't a trail to the base of the route that we could find, and the bushwhacking was either dense, steep, or both. The topo provided by eDixon was not accurate, the route was another few dozen feet to the right. For the descent, I would hike back up to the base of Nuggernaut and rejoin the trail, we tried to cheat the system by joining the trail low and ended up bushwhacking the whole way down....

Climb: pitch 1 was pretty stout, but a mid-10s leader should be able to handle it with a hang or two. As you continue up the wall, the rock gets higher in quality, but there wasn't much choss to contend with regardless. The bolt spacing was very reasonable the whole way up. Pitch 5 was the most fun, a series of small roofs with huge jugs to keep the grade low and no trad spice (finally!) to make it feel any harder. It's really a sick climb from top to bottom!

I agree with Allie's comment about this being a harder, better PEMA. If it wasn't for the long approach, pretty much everything at Pine River would be much more popular (though maybe that's a good thing). Thank you, ED and AF, for making this route possible. Jun 21, 2023
Samuel Leeman
Durango, CO
[Hide Comment] Great route with fun climbing. We managed to link pitches 1+2, 3+4 and 6+7 with a 70m rope, 14 draws (6 of which were alpines) and skipping bolts here and there.

The approach was the hardest part. Slogged to the base of the wall via the Tradistan approach and ascended directly under the climb. We ended up on some 5th Class scramble to the start of the bolts. On the way down, we found an easier way, which would be to the looker’s left of the route, up a little gully to a ledge, and then cutting up right, which keeps it mostly 3rd Class. Sep 4, 2024