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Twisting Notch

WI3, Trad, TR, Ice, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 6 votes
FA: unknown
Maine > a. Western Moun… > Grafton Notch S… > 5. The Amphithe… > 03. Amphitheater Itself
Warning Access Issue: Peregrine Falcons in Maine DetailsDrop down


Refered to as "a strange twisting notch" in Lewis/Wilcox guide... This is one of the easiest routes in the Amphitheater. Lower angle ice, sometimes separated by snow patches, takes you up and right to finish at a rappel station on a tree to the right 


Left side of the Amphitheater



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Twisting Notch in slightly steeper conditions
[Hide Photo] Twisting Notch in slightly steeper conditions
Twisting Notch 
[Hide Photo] Twisting Notch 03/22/2023
Left most route in amphitheater
[Hide Photo] Left most route in amphitheater

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Gilman Coryell
Mount Vernon, ME
[Hide Comment] This is the twisting notch described in the Wilcox guide. WI 2/3ish. Feb 21, 2022