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Chimp Simpleton

M4+, Sport, Mixed, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2 from 2 votes
FA: Jon Jugenheimer & Susan Sims
Utah > Wasatch Range > Southern Wasatch > Provo Canyon > Provo Canyon Ice > Stairway to Heaven > 2nd Tier Climbs > Scott's Wall


Face climbing below the large right facing corner with a a fun hand crack in it. 3 bolts to the 1/2 way ledge. A bit runout to the 4th, but all you have to do is stand up. Clip the last 3 with fun, open corner stemming and hand jams to the dirt covered ledge above. 


Right-most  bolted line on Scott’s Wall.  Behind the large pine tree.  


6 bolts. 2 bolt anchor above the ledge on the next cliff line.

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Susan with the high step!
[Hide Photo] Susan with the high step!