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V3+ R, Boulder, 10 ft (3 m),  Avg: 3 from 2 votes
FA: Brad Fauteux
Vermont > 1. Northern Ver… > Smugglers' Notch > Smugglers' Notc… > Boulders Behind… > Green Cave
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures for access issues: please review DetailsDrop down


Stand tall and reach up to a suspended block. Right hand is a positive mini-pinch, left hand is a diagonal sloping incut to the left. 

Pull on ans campus up to a jug, get inverted and throw up a heelhook and move right on a series of sloping rails and pinches.

After a few moves figure out how to reach up to some sloping dishes at the top. Stand on a large foot and grab a perfect handlebar root.


This problem is located in the middle of the large cave. The start is above head height and the landing is one of the worst in the Notch. This line is directly behind "Not Easy Being Green".


Ideally 5-10 pads. Choosing to fall may not be a good idea.