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Bob and Jack's Crack Everyday

5.9-, Trad, TR, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 5 votes
FA: Jon O'Brien, Jack June, Bob McCann, Rosemary Helsing
California > Lake Tahoe > I-80 Corridor > Donner Summit > Rest Stop Cliffs > 2. Rosemary Wall


Very fun offwidth start to the nicest leaning crack on this section of wall.  If the offwidth is too much for you, start on "You know what they say!" and step right after the start.  A 6" cam protects the crux which is a little longer than you'd expect from looking at it, good climbing.  


Pull the obvious offwidth in the center of this section of the cliff just above a small pine tree.  


standard plus a 6" cam

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Nice view of the leaning headwall full of nice cracks above starts of Snip Snap, Know what they say, Bob/ Jack's crack, Keeps the Doctor Away!
[Hide Photo] Nice view of the leaning headwall full of nice cracks above starts of Snip Snap, Know what they say, Bob/ Jack's crack, Keeps the Doctor Away!
Starts left to right:  Snip Snap, Know what they say, bob and jack's crack everyday, keeps the dr away
[Hide Photo] Starts left to right: Snip Snap, Know what they say, bob and jack's crack everyday, keeps the dr away

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Christian Kiefer
Colfax, CA
[Hide Comment] If you skip the chimney/ow start, it's going to be more like 5.8-/5.7+ mellow crack climbing. Jul 6, 2024