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5.10b, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 4 votes
FA: Chris, Gary
California > San Diego County > S San Diego County > El Cajon Mountain > Mountaineer Walls > Western Highlands
Warning Access Issue: Raptor Nesting Advisory DetailsDrop down


Walk up a ramp to the first bolt. This is the crux pulling over a mini roof onto a small ledge. Sustained .8 and.9 face climbing to the anchor.


Located on the west side of the slab its the white chunk of rock.


8 bolts, .3-.5 cam for belay at the start.

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If your up here, this is a must do.
[Hide Photo] If your up here, this is a must do.
Adrian just past the crux.
[Hide Photo] Adrian just past the crux.