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5.12, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 3.5 from 4 votes
FA: Steve Charest, Andrea Charest, September 2014
Vermont > 1. Northern Ver… > Bolton Area > Upper West > F - N End
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures for access issues: please review DetailsDrop down


Gosh, you mean to tell me there’s a killer sport line spitting distance from THE ROSE????

GNR offers great climbing with insidious boulder-rest-boulder-rest personality:

Boulder to a no-hands ledge, then through a small left-facing corner to a smaller ledge. Sort through some arete moves, then move right to an even smaller ledge. Boulder up a second little left-facing corner to the final and smallest ledge. Pull a final tricky move to a slot and clip the two-bolt ring anchor.

Some have chosen to top this out, but choose your own adventure.


The bolted line climber’s left of The Rose.



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The route, left of the rose.
[Hide Photo] The route, left of the rose.

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Kristen Fiore
Burlington, VT
[Hide Comment] The best sport climb at Upper West. Oct 6, 2021
Jasper Jarecki
Burlington, VT
[Hide Comment] There’s a no-hands rest if you skirt left of the arete between bolts 6 and 7. I’m hearing OG ascents didn’t use the arete and had the route at 12d. Given that it’s within arms reach, the arete rest is natural and puts the route in the ballpark of 12b/c. Would love to hear more opinions. May 26, 2022
[Hide Comment] Yeah, def no harder than 12b. Not nearly as hard as Encryption, Fogghorn, or Who's Your Daddy. Probably not even as hard as Doggfather. An outstanding route though! I didn't even use the no hands out left. May 27, 2022
Jasper Jarecki
Burlington, VT
[Hide Comment] What is fogghorn? Also you are superhuman if you think that without the no-hands this thing clocks anywhere near 12b. In isolation, the face moves between bolts 6 and 7 feel WAY hard. May 27, 2022
[Hide Comment] Fogghorn is the linkup of Doggfather and Red Hen at the 82. Describing me as a crusty old geezer is probably more accurate than super human. The route went down pretty easily for me- easier than some 12a's. I recall there are some pretty good places to shake out along the way and if you keep moving, it goes well. The first couple of boulder problems land you on shelves that you can lean in and camp on. Then there's really only like 50' of steep climbing left. Who knows, maybe I was strong when I did it, but probably not since I don't think I've ever been very strong. The crux on Nettles (a few climbs to the right) is quite a bit harder IMO, but no one ever does that one. Anyway- GNR is a great route and I hope people get out on it and chime in. May 28, 2022
Jasper Jarecki
Burlington, VT
[Hide Comment] That’s nuts, for me this thing is a lot harder the other local 12b’s. Good luck to all :) Jun 2, 2022
Brent Fitzwalter
Cambridge, MA
[Hide Comment] After the last bolt, is the proper finish to go straight up or right to the crack? Jul 2, 2023
Jasper Jarecki
Burlington, VT
[Hide Comment] From the last jug rail you go up and right to a slot via a hard sidepull move. Straight up from the last bolt has no real holds as far as I can tell. Jul 2, 2023