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Heckfire Left var.

5.7+, Trad, 500 ft (152 m), 4 pitches,  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Tom Howard and Rodger ?
N Carolina > 2. Northern Mou… > Linville Gorge > Amphitheater
Warning Access Issue: 2023 seasonal raptor closure (January 15th-August 15th) DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags DetailsDrop down


This is a frequently overlooked area in the amp and my description is possibly different from the first ascent party but there is lovely easy and moderate climbing to be had on this buttress behind the mummy buttress.

P1. 5.7+ Its quite sandbagged a good one for your 5.9 leader. Also dirty, sometimes wet and loose but some thought provoking movement none the less.  Move up out of the rap gully on easy terrain until you can get established in the corner, pick gear placements wisely. Go left around the block and then roof at the end there are lots of good wet hand jams.  Alternatively you can go right up a steeper crack which had a piece of super old gear in it. This is likely 10+ Continue up to one of the two pine trees and belay.

P2. 5.6 This can be linked with p3.  From the pines move up and left weird movement with a leg jam and jugs gets you into a very easy section of loose blocks and moss, continue up and left towards a very nice looking corner on top of the giant disc/roof thing hanging out of the wall. Belay in this area or just before.

P3. 5.7 pull up into the corner over the disc and straight up following the cracks and on into easy face climbing. Gain a blocky ledge and belay in the green corner.  Alternatively you can also belay in the corner to the right of here with a small pine. Either corner or crack climbs nicely.

P4. 5.6 it is easy to bail off right on a number of ledges.  Ascend the green corner and up into the “s” crack on top of the “s” crack step left and pull up onto the face on lovely face holds. Head to the top of the buttress. Belay on a small pine or nest of small cams at the top.  

Turn around and walk 20ish feet to the rim trail, right to the rap gully, left to exit the amp.

Please note this is all trad anchors the “X’s” in the topo are suggested anchor spots


If you are coming down the rap gully on the skiier’s right hand side you will see a large left facing corner this is it.  

There is an alternative 5.4 R approach pich ramp which would enable you to bypass p1 but the traversing nature could put both leader and followers in a not so great fall zone. To locate this start keep on the left side of the gully hike in and find the ledge that is nearly level with the pines at the top of p1


Standard rack

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5.4R ramp var for p1 shown
[Hide Photo] 5.4R ramp var for p1 shown
Looking up at the direct start of the route. Dirty, loose and often wet
[Hide Photo] Looking up at the direct start of the route. Dirty, loose and often wet
Look up the Alt 5.4 Start. Kinda slabby but really easy climbing
[Hide Photo] Look up the Alt 5.4 Start. Kinda slabby but really easy climbing
other heckfire buttress climbs
[Hide Photo] other heckfire buttress climbs
No topo
[Hide Photo] No topo
Xs are belay spots. No rings or anchors.
[Hide Photo] Xs are belay spots. No rings or anchors.