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False Advertising

5.10b/c, Sport, 75 ft (23 m),  Avg: 3 from 58 votes
Colorado > S Platte > Staunton SP > Never Winter Wall
Warning Access Issue: Falcon Closures DetailsDrop down


Stickclip the first bolt. Thin moves off the ground lead to a stretch of fun but easier climbing. Cryptic crux moves lead to a fun pull through a small roof. Easier but still fun climbing leads to the anchors.


It is the 4th route from the right.


11 bolts to anchors with Mussy hooks.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

A group with a rope up on False Advertising. The first bolted line climber's left of the big start ledge for Shrek'd and the other two 5.8/5.9s.
[Hide Photo] A group with a rope up on False Advertising. The first bolted line climber's left of the big start ledge for Shrek'd and the other two 5.8/5.9s.
At the second clip.
[Hide Photo] At the second clip.
Winter, sometimes.
[Hide Photo] Winter, sometimes.

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Robert Ranney
Denver, CO
[Hide Comment] Really fun - couldn't really figure out the crux though, maybe something important broke off? I kind of wandered a bit right and used a very dirty undercling that felt like no one else had ever touched, so that was probably not the best way. Will have to go back and give it some more tries and figure it out. Aug 16, 2021
Nick Gibson
Denver, CO
[Hide Comment] Stiff crux for a 10, but the grade is probably still accurate. Fun route! Nov 27, 2022