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Avg: 2.9 from 7
FA: unknown
> N America
> Canada
> Quebec
> 15. Laurentides
> Belle neige sta…
> Main cliff
Access Issue: This cliff is insured by the FQME
This cliff is under the liability insurance of the Fédération Québécoise de la Montagne et de l'Escalade (FQME).
Residents of Canada need to have:
-FQME 'Accès Montagne' membership (55$)
-For members of the Alpine Club of Canada an FQME 'Accès Montagne' upgrade (30$)
Or purchasing a 10$ day pass online.
This money is used to pay the liability insurance for landowners regardless if they are private citizens, municipal or provincial.
The maintenance of cliffs and their access, replacing of fixed protection.
Nice crack with good holds but far apart in the lower part
Une jolie fissure avec des bonnes prises, mais un peu éloignées par moment.
Left of Côte fêlée
Juste à gauche de Côte Fêlée
5 scellements + relais
5 glue-ins + anchor
[Hide Photo] line up the middle of the picture. Very likely could of been climbed using trad gear but was bolted