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Fall of Man
Sport, 30 ft (9 m),
Avg: 4 from 5
FA: Alex Lowe
> Southwest Region
> Bozeman Pass
> Sistine Chapel
This old route has recently received new bolts—the community is working on grinding down or removing the olds bolts depending on the condition. Tiptoe around on the black rock, and you'll find yourself on large pockets with high tension moves on the overhanging rock with good feet.
new replaced bolts and Anchors.
[Hide Photo] The Fall of Man, marked in yellow. The pink rope is hanging on The Renaissance (project)
[Hide Photo] Cutting loose on the jugs of Fall of Man, frog rock and Sistine Chapel in the background
[Hide Photo] Figuring out the hands before the cut loose. Such a fun route, get out there and do it!!!
Bozeman, MT
Sistine Chapel (furthest left) also has new glue-ins and SWMCC removed the old bolts.
And, to the right of the Sistine chapel is two bolts and an anchor. We are working on rebolting this as well to complete the route. And, maybe add a few variations. Jul 14, 2021
Billings, MT