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5.10c, Trad, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: Possibly done previously, if not: Sam Stephens, 4/3/21. Heckling support by Alex Myers, Sean Patton, Tyler Osborne, Josh Lipko
W Virginia > New River Gorge… > New River Gorge… > Kaymoor > 7. Seven Eleven Wall
Warning Access Issue: NO DRONES ON NATIONAL PARKLANDS DetailsDrop down


Start left of the tree and climb straight up through mostly good holds to a horizontal. Do a bit of a tough move the gain the slab, and then trend right up to the crack. Enjoy the fun crack to the roof, and then traverse left to a hard move getting established on the pedestal. Fun easy slab to top. 

To get off (currently) there is no good anchor point at the top. A couple of options are: 

Belay your second up and rap the tree down through the chimney on the right.

Bring up about 30 feet of webbing and build an anchor off the big boulder leaning across the gap. 

Or, throw a length of rope off the backside of the block, have your partner anchor you on belay, and then rap down the route with the rope draped across the top. 


Walk about 300 yards past Fuel Injector. On the face just around the from the obvious arete. 


Standard rack up to #2 BD. No anchor