Type: Sport, 125 ft (38 m)
FA: Jeff Scheuerell, Darrell Hensel, Marty Lewis
Page Views: 1,075 total · 22/month
Shared By: Jeff Scheuerell on Feb 13, 2021
Admins: Aron Quiter, Euan Cameron, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Description Suggest change

This route might not be the very best part of Highwire but climbs the best, awesome, clean hand and finger cracks of Shafted and replaces the lesser parts of Shafted with fun face climbing that follows positive edges and jugs throughout. Start with the clean hand crack of Shafted then just after Shafted gets wide, at about the 5th or 6th bolt, move out left to a bolt and then join Highwire. Continue up the great face of Highwire. Then at the mini roof, just below the crux of Highwire, clip a bolt out right and make a tricky 11a move right to a stance in the corner of Shafted. Follow the10c fingers corner of Shafted  to the anchor.

 Best to have an 80m rope for this route although one could get by with a shorter rope using the mid anchor of Shafted.

Location Suggest change

The route starts in the obvious hand crack 25' or so left of the mine.

Protection Suggest change

15 maybe 16 bolts

