Type: Trad, 45 ft (14 m)
FA: Donette & Todd Swain
Page Views: 518 total · 12/month
Shared By: Gunkswest on Dec 27, 2020
Admins: Greg Opland, C Miller, Gunkswest, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Start on the terrace on the west end of the Rock Hudson formation. This terrace is most easily reached by walking up and right on ledges starting on the northwest side of the formation (going up by the base of Doing That Scrapyard Thing). This route starts in a chimney that is about 20 feet down and left of the start of Kelvin and Hobbes. The chimney is formed by the main cliff on the right and a huge boulder on the left.

Move left (north) into the chimney on top of some chockstones to gain a hand crack. Climb up the left-leaning hand crack to a horizontal, then step right to a finger crack. Follow this finger and narrow hand crack up to a horizontal. Move right and around the corner in the horizontal crack to the platform above Kelvin and Hobbes, Less Than Zero and Nereltne.

Note: the 5.7 grade is given for stemming with your left foot off the chimney to the left of the finger crack. If you climb the finger crack keeping both feet on the main wall, the route is much harder.

Location Suggest change

Start on the terrace on the west end of the Rock Hudson formation. This terrace is most easily reached by walking up and right on ledges starting on the northwest side of the formation (going up by the base of Doing That Scrapyard Thing). This route starts in a chimney that is about 20 feet down and left of the start of Kelvin and Hobbes. The chimney is formed by the main cliff on the right and a huge boulder on the left.

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Carry gear to a grey Camalot. Rappel from the anchor on the platform. To get back to the base of the route after rappelling, tunnel under the boulders, keeping close to the base of the main cliff.
