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Gimpy Grimpeur

5.8, Trad, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 14 votes
FA: Steve Jones, 2011
W Virginia > New River Gorge… > Meadow River Gorge > Lower Meadow > 2 Toxic Hueco Area
Warning Access Issue: PARKING ALONG HIGHWAY 19 DetailsDrop down


Pull on jugs past a low bolt to get on a ledge. Climb straight up the face on huge jugs. Get into a diheadral and pull a small roof passing one more bolt then get to a final ledge and clip anchors. 


One low bolt marks the start on the left side of a large ledge. Right of Chimpanzabubbas, left on Pine Trees and Hula Hoops.


Good pro, 2 bolts, bolted anchor.