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Found Bolt

5.9 PG13, Sport, TR, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 1.6 from 8 votes
FA: unknown
California > Central Coast > San Luis Obispo > Bishop Peak > Cracked Wall


Variation on 'Lost Luggage' (5.10a), the farthest left route on the wall. ~20 feet to the first bolt. Description from John Knight's route posts:

"This variation of 'Lost Luggage' works its way up to the bolt under the overhang then moves left and follows the black streak to clip a 2nd bolt. Note - the name came from the previously chopped bolt that I found (and replaced). The climb is worth doing and also has value as an easy way to lead up to the 'Camel' anchors. To set up a TR, rap down from the 'Camel' anchors to the lower anchors. Use caution stepping over the large, loose blocks on top. Original FA - Unknown (re-equipped & re-led by John Knight, Vickie Garagliano, Dane Howell, & Jackie Howell - 2009)."


Start under the first bolt.


2 bolts, the first one about 20 feet off the ground. Typical Bishop bolting.

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John Knight
[Hide Comment] Thanks for posting this David. This route should get more traffic. A fun way to get to the top of Cracked Wall. Get off the couch and give it a try! Apr 21, 2021