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5.9+ R, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 13 votes
FA: Curtis Mai, Todd McCray
Texas > Austin Area > Reimers Ranch > Landfill Wall


First bolt is 20 feet high at the right side of the roof (i'm giving it an R rating because of the high first bolt, it was too high to even stick clip without climbing a few feet up first).  Route begins on the unique "tapeworm" formation to the ledge below the first bolt then goes right and up for the rest of the route.


Bouldery start on a unique "tapeworm" shaped formation across from a lounge boulder to the right of Monkey Pajamas.


3 Bolts, Chain Anchors

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Tapeworm viewed from the left, 1st bolt marked
[Hide Photo] Tapeworm viewed from the left, 1st bolt marked
Start of route "tapeworm" formation
[Hide Photo] Start of route "tapeworm" formation
Tapeworm viewed from the right
[Hide Photo] Tapeworm viewed from the right
Upper portion of route 3 bolts and anchors marked
[Hide Photo] Upper portion of route 3 bolts and anchors marked