Type: , 18 ft (5 m)
FA: Jared LaVacque
Page Views: 945 total · 18/month
Shared By: Orphaned User on May 2, 2020
Admins: Jesse Zacher, Bradley Mark Edwards, Nick Reecy, Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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The Resurrection of Kevin Bacon Boulder has two problems, which are on the consistently shaded steep side. Both problems share the same start (southwest directionally OR lower right when looking at the steep side) and first six opening moves which comprise the crux of both routes (which terminate on a jug) and then go their separate ways for topping out. 

Situs Inversus is a an anatomical condition where major visceral organs are on the opposite side of where they normally occur. The problem is named this because it and Anger in Motion share symmetry in the crux but diverge from each other in their secondary cruxes and form.

Start in a sit-down with your right and left hands in two separate pockets on the lower right side of the steep side on 50-degree, overhanging rock. Make a powerful cross move (see the pic) to a gaston/pocket, find the foot sequence, gain a left hand undercling, set your feet again, and make a powerful move to a gaston/slot. Bring your right hand up into the flake, followed by left/right. Rest up there, and then use body tension and right-facing edges to gain the middle upper, steep right lip. (See the topo pic for the hold specifics, though once you see them, they are obvious because very few are useful). Gain a small edge to a larger series of textures edges to top out on the easy ramp.

The top/side view photos contain the shared lower crux moves and for that reason, I have not included the photos of the secondary crux on either route.

Location Suggest change

It is on the shaded steep side of the boulder with a visible log/root that stick, cut off, out of the hillside (Southwest directionally OR lower right when looking at the steep side).

Protection Suggest change

Two large size pads and ideally two or more small size pads with a competent spotter or two.
