Type: Trad, 550 ft (167 m), 4 pitches
FA: Tai DeVore, Greg Smith, Jeremy Freeman, Todd Townsend, Urmas Franosch, 2010 GU
Page Views: 1,006 total · 19/month
Shared By: Gumby boy king on Apr 22, 2020
Admins: Aron Quiter, Euan Cameron, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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WOW - A little surprised this one hasn't been added yet. Nice climbing with a bit of everything and long pitches! Pitches 2 & 3 are fantastic requiring some granite FUNK.

Pitch 1 5.10d 9 bolts - From the natural break head up and left. Follow broken blocks and cracks toward the bolted wide crack and small ledge. Climb the wide crack to a no hands traverse (literally) left and back right to a ledge.

Pitch 2 5.11b 10 bolts 60 meters - Traverse right to the arete and follow discontinuous cracks and face. Follow thin cracks right to finish this pitch.

Pitch 3 5.11d 14 bolts 35 meters - Start right of the anchor. Climb the face and then to the groove corner system. Continue up the corner system to a stance on a small tower.

Pitch 4 5.11c 5 bolts 35 meters - Climb the steep patina bulge up into a groove head up moderate ground to the anchor.

Five 35 meter raps to get back down. Just look around, you'll see the other anchors as you climb.

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Furthest route left on the wall. Look for a wide crack leading to an orange triangle looking roof, that is where you are headed.

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Draws, Double to 2" and one 3"
