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Red Wall Jug Haul

5.6 R, Trad, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 1.5 from 4 votes
FA: Kyle Fridberg (solo); Summer 2015
Colorado > Boulder > Flatirons > North > Regency
Warning Access Issue: 2024 Crag Closures & Temporary Trail and Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


This is a nice line with some interesting climbing and spots of friable rock. The second ascent was done with a rope and gear, and the report is that the gear is not that great.


Forty feet right of El Camino Royale is a left-facing corner/flake system capped by an overhang 80 feet up. Climb the corner system and sometimes the slab to its left to get up to and over the jug haul overhang. Belay after the overhang, and finish on the upper section of El Camino Royale.


A standard rack.

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Location of Jug Haul (photo by Tim Meehan).
[Hide Photo] Location of Jug Haul (photo by Tim Meehan).
The start of El Camino with the flake/corner system of Jug Haul to the right and overhang above. (Photo by Kaner.)
[Hide Photo] The start of El Camino with the flake/corner system of Jug Haul to the right and overhang above. (Photo by Kaner.)

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Tristan Brewer
Berthoud, CO
[Hide Comment] Did this by accident in sneakers early in my Flatirons career. Now I carry rock shoes on all new routes. Oct 7, 2024