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Cytotoxic Storm

5.12a, Sport, 45 ft (14 m),  Avg: 2 from 4 votes
Wyoming > Lander Area > Sinks Canyon > Fairfield Hill > 1. Fairfield East > 3. The Marxism Wall


Starts on pretty solid rock with a stand up move into two underclings. Move through some good pockets and up to a flat edge. From here, there's several ways to negotiate the crimps above you and enter the layback flake. Pick your poison! Once on the layback flake, follow it up and left, don't fall on the big move, then climb fun holds/flakes to the anchor.

I really thought this thing was going to be hot garbage based on the rock quality, but it turned out to have pretty fun movement! Give er' a go!


Left of Leslies Arete, dead center of Fairfield East. Right of Stalin does Dallas.


6 bolts, rings. Well bolted. Stick clip the first. Hollow rock forced a mandatory stick clip.

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Bro, back up. 6 feet!
[Hide Photo] Bro, back up. 6 feet!

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[Hide Comment] Legit for the grade. Jan 18, 2021