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5.8, Sport, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 2.1 from 23 votes
FA: Mike Gray & Tyrel Johnson
W Virginia > Eastern WV > Smoke Hole Canyon > Guide Wall > Sunshine Wall (Guide…


Work up an off vertical face of pockets and edges using a few holds around the left arete to a cap overhanging the route. Reach for jugs in the center and left side of the overhang, establish above the overhang and make a big reach to the next good hold. Romp through 10-15 more feet of easy face climbing to the anchors.


5ft left of Guide's 5.8.


5 bolts. 2 bolt anchor with biners for lowering.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Nothing (yellow); Guide's 8 (red); George's Dilemma (blue); Guide's 11 (green).
[Hide Photo] Nothing (yellow); Guide's 8 (red); George's Dilemma (blue); Guide's 11 (green).
Nothing, 5.8.
[Hide Photo] Nothing, 5.8.
Barry at the top of 'Nothing' while Jen tops out on 'Guide's 8'
[Hide Photo] Barry at the top of 'Nothing' while Jen tops out on 'Guide's 8'

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Michael Holmes
Clifton, VA
[Hide Comment] It is a bit easier if you start staying to the left of the first bolt. Really fun route. Plenty of holds and some are good. Mar 21, 2021